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About the GDR SUIE
Topics to structure the research...
The GDR SUIE (GDR CNRS n°3622), formed in 2014 and renewed in 2019, aims to bring together as broadly as possible the community of French researchers directly or more specifically interested in the “soot” object, with the objective of overcoming the current limitations in the knowledge of soot and reducing the uncertainties that are currently an obstacle to our understanding of its impact on the climate.
The GDR is mainly focused on fundamental research around the following 5 scientific axes :
Topic 1 : Synthesis, nucleation processes and characterisation of soot at source
Topic 2 : chemical analysis of the particulate and/or gaseous phases adsorbed on or absorbed by soot
Topic 3 : study of soot ageing in the atmosphere
Topic 4 : electromagnetic properties of soot, measurement and detection
Topic 5 : Soot in other fields of application
Each of these themes is, moreover, conducive to the development of theoretical work, the results of which can then be confronted with those of field measurements and laboratory experiments for validation, or directly support certain experimental interpretations.
These themes are likely to evolve, on the one hand thanks to the scientific advances that will direct the research towards other themes, and on the other hand with the arrival of new laboratories within the GDR, which will bring their expertise in fields that have not been explored much until now.
...And collaborations that accelerate it
The GDR suie therefore brings together researchers from major research organisations (CNRS, CEA, ONERA, IRSN), from several universities and engineering schools. It covers a wide range of skills, both experimental and theoretical, in physics and chemistry. It mainly concerns the following institutes, INSU, INSIS, INP anf INC from CNRS, mainly through sections 04, 05, 10, 13, 17 and 19. In total, 39 research laboratories, bringing together more than 140 researchers, participate in the GDR and provide answers to the major questions related to soot. Since its creation, 57 scientific articles have been published as a result of the collaboration of the different laboratories of the GDR.
To enable the various actors to collaborate and thus advance their research, the GDR SUIE steering committee, composed of 14 researchers, organizes events such as annual plenary sessions or thematic workshops, and finances several calls for collaborative projects per year.