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PAPERS and thesis
[T1] : Papers or thesis related to one of the research topics of the GDR SUIE ([T1] : Topic 1, [T2/T3] : Topic 2 and Topic 3, etc).
[T4] : Papers or thesis resulting from a collaboration between GDR laboratories.
[T4] : Papers or thesis not resulting from a collaboration between GDR laboratories.
- [T5] Airborne Release Fraction of Dissolved Materials During the Combustion of Liquids Representatives of Nuclear Waste Treatment Process. F. -X. Ouf, M. De Mendonca Andrade, H. Feuchter, S. Duval, C. Volkringer, T. Loiseau, F. Salm, P. Ainé, L. Cantrel, A. Gil-Martin, F. Hurel, C. Lavalette, P. March, P. Nerisson, J. Nos & L. Bouilloux, Nuclear Technology (2022).
- [T6] A CRYSTAL-based parametrization of carbon atom dynamic polarizabilities to compute optical properties of curved carbonaceous nanostructures”. M. Rerat, J.C. Rayez, B. Fabian, M. Devel, S. Picaud, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, vol. 141, article n°65 (2022).
- [T1] From monomers to agglomerates : A generalized model for characterizing the morphology of fractal-like clusters.
J. Morán, J. Yon , F.-X. Ouf, M. Mazur, J.B. Mitchell (2021). Journal of Aerosol Science 151:105628.
- [T1] Impact of the competition between aggregation and surface growth on the morphology of soot particles formed in an ethylene laminar premixed flame. J. Morán, A. Poux, J. Yon, (2021). Journal of Aerosol Science 152, 105690.
- [T1/ T2] Chemical characterization of size-selected nanoparticles emitted by a gasoline direct injection engine : impact of a catalytic stripper.
D. Duca, M. Rahman, Y. Carpentier, C. Pirim, A. Boies, C. Focsa (2021). Fuel 294, 120317.-
- [T1/ T4] Laboratory evaluation of the lidar depolarization ratio of freshly emitted soot aggregates from pool fire in ambient air at exact backscattering angle (UV, VIS).
Paulien, L., R. Ceolato, F. Foissard, P. Rairoux and A. Miffre (2021) J. Quant. Spec. Rad. Transf. 260, 107451.
- [T1/ T4] A novel laser-based method to measure the adsorption energy on carbonaceous surfaces.
D. Duca, C. Pirim, M. Vojkovic, Y. Carpentier, A. Faccinetto, M. Ziskind, C. Preda, C. Focsa (2021). Carbon 173, 540-556.
- [T1/ T6] Revealing soot maturity based on multi-wavelength absorption/emission measurements in laminar axisymmetric coflow ethylene diffusion flames.
Yon, J., Cruz, J. J., Escudero, F., Morán, J., Liu, F., Fuentes, A. (2021). Combustion and Flame 227:147-161.
[T5 : filtration] Measurement of the porosity of a pseudo-spherical n-anostructured particle deposit formed by filtration.
J. Nuvoli, S. Bourrous, F.-X. Ouf, D. Thomas. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2021, 151, pp.105681. [T5 : filtration/incendie] Quantification of soot deposit on a resistive sensor : proposal of an experimental calibration protocol.A. Kort, F.-X. Ouf, T. Gelain, J. Malet, R. Lakhmi, P. Breuil, J.-P. ViricelleJournal of Aerosol Science, 2021, 156, pp.105783.
- [T6] Assessing the limits of Rayleigh–Debye–Gans theory : Phasor analysis of a bisphere.
Argentin, C., Berg, M. J., Mazur, M., Ceolato, R., Yon, J. (2021). Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 264:107550.
- [T1] Monte Carlo Aggregation Code (MCAC) Part 1 : Fundamentals. Morán, J., Yon, J., Poux, A. (2020b). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 569:184-194.
- [T1] Analysis of the Soot Particle Size Distribution in a Laminar Premixed Flame : A Hybrid Stochastic/Fixed-Sectional Approach. Bouaniche, A., Yon, J., Domingo, P., Vervisch, L. (2020). Flow, Turbulence and Combustion:753-775.
- [T1 / T2] Multi-technique physico-chemical characterization of particles generated by a gasoline engine : towards measuring tailpipe emissions below 23 nm. C. Focsa, D. Duca, J. Noble, M. Vojkovic, Y. Carpentier, C. Pirim, C. Betrancourt, P. Desgroux, T. Tritscher, J. Spielvogel, M. Rahman, A. Boies, K. F. Lee, A. N. Bhave, S. Legendre, O. Lancry, P. Kreutziger, M. Rieker (2020) Atmos. Environ. 235, 117642.
- [T1 / T2] Evidence on the formation of dimers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a laminar diffusion flame. A. Faccinetto, C. Irimiea, P. Minutolo, M. Commodo, A. D’Anna, N. Nuns, Y. Carpentier, C. Pirim, P. Desgroux, C. Focsa, X. Mercier (2020). Commun. Chem. 3, 112.
- [T1 / T2] Chemical discrimination of the particulate and gas phases of miniCAST exhausts using a two-filter collection method. Ngo, L. D., Duca, D., Carpentier, Y., Noble, J. A., Ikhenazene, R., Vojkovic, M., Irimiea, C., Ortega, I. K., Lefevre, G., Yon, J., Faccinetto, A., Therssen, E., Ziskind, M., Chazallon, B., Pirim, C., Focsa, C. (2020). Atmos. Meas. Tech. 13:951-967.
- [T1 / T2 / T4] Origins and Spatial Distribution of Non-Pure Sulfate Particles (NSPs) in the Stratosphere Detected by the Balloon-Borne Light Optical Aerosols Counter (LOAC). Jean-Baptiste Renard, Gwenaël Berthet, Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, Sergey Beresnev, Alain Miffre, Patrick Rairoux, Damien Vignelles and Fabrice Jégou. Atmosphere 11, 1031 (2020).
- [T1 / T3 / T6] Influence of the dry aerosol particle size distribution and morphology on the cloud condensation nuclei activation. An experimental and theoretical investigation. Wu, J., Faccinetto, A., Grimonprez, S., Batut, S., Yon, J., Desgroux, P., Petitprez, D. (2020). Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20:4209-4225.
- [T1 / T4] Vertical Profiles of Pollution Particle Concentrations in the Boundary Layer above Paris (France) from the Optical Aerosol Counter LOAC Onboard a Touristic Balloon. Jean-Baptiste Renard, Vincent Michoud and Jérôme Giacomoni, Sensors 20, 1111 (2020).
- [T1 / T4] Morphological and radiative characteristics of soot aggregates : Experimental and numerical research. Sutcu, E., Doner, N., Liu, F., Ercetin, U., Sen, F., Yon, J., Morán, J., Fuentes, A. (2020). Scientific Reports 10:411.
- [T1 / T4] On the use of PIV, LII, PAH-PLIF and OH-PLIF for the study of soot formation and flame structure in a swirl stratified premixed ethylene/air flame. Bouvier, M., Cabot, G., Yon, J., Grisch, F. (2020). Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
- [T1 / T6] Monte Carlo Aggregation Code (MCAC) Part 2 : Application to soot agglomeration, highlighting the importance of primary particles. Morán, J., Yon, J., Poux, A., Corbin, F., Ouf, F. X., Siméon, A. (2020c). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 575:274-285.
- [T2 / T3] Ice Nucleation Activities of Carbon-bearing Materials in Deposition Mode : From Graphite to Airplane Soot Surrogates. R. Ikhenazene, C. Pirim, J. A. Noble, C. Irimiea, Y. Carpentier, I. K. Ortega, F.-X. Ouf, C. Focsa, B. Chazallon (2020). J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 489-503.
- [T3 / T5 : feu, filtration] Quantification and prediction of water uptake by soot deposited on ventilation filters during fire events, Laura Lintis, François-Xavier Ouf, Philippe Parent, Daniel Ferry, Carine Laffon, Cécile Vallières, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 403, 123916 (2021).
- [T4] Lidar-relevant radiative properties of soot fractal aggregate ensembles L. Paulien, R. Ceolato, L. Soucasse, F. Enguehard, A. Soufiani, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 241, 106706 (2020).
- [T4] Review of recent literature on the light absorption properties of black carbon : Refractive index, mass absorption cross section, and absorption function. Liu, F., Yon, J., Fuentes, A., Lobo, P., Smallwood, G., Corbin, J. (2020). Aerosol Science and Technology 54:1-19.
- [T5 : astro / T6] Formation of Interstellar Complex Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons : Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Dehydrogenated Benzene M. Hanine, Z. Meng, S. Lu, P. Xie, S. Picaud, M. Devel, and Z. Wang, The Astrophysical Journal, 900, 188 (2020)
- [T1] Aircraft and MiniCAST soot at the nanoscale.
I .Marhaba, D. Ferry, C. Laffon, T.Z. Regier, F.X. Ouf, Ph. Parent, Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 278-289.
- [T1] Unveiling trends in soot nucleation and growth : When secondary ion mass spectrometry meets statistical analysis. C. Irimiea, A. Faccinetto, X. Mercier, I. K. Ortega, N. Nuns, E. Therssen, P. Desgroux, C. Focsa (2019) Carbon 144, 815-830.
- [T1 / T2] On the benefits of using multivariate analysis in mass spectrometric studies of combustion-generated aerosols. D. Duca, C. Irimiea, A. Faccinetto, J. A. Noble, M. Vojkovic, Y. Carpentier, I. K. Ortega, C. Pirim, C. Focsa (2019). Faraday Disc. 218, 115-137.
- [T1 / T2] True density of combustion emitted particles : A comparison of results highlighting the influence of the organic contents
F.-X. Ouf, S. Bourrous, S. Fauvel, A. Kort , L. Lintis, J. Nuvoli, J. Yon, Journal of Aerosol Science 134 (2019) 1-13.
- [T1 / T4] A novel approach for in-situ soot size distribution measurement based on spectrally resolved light scattering. M. Bouvier, J. Yon, et al., Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 225 : 58-68 (2019).
- [T3 / T6] Hydrogen chloride adsorption on large defective PAHs modeling soot surfaces and influence on water trapping : A DFT and AIMD study
B. Radola, L. Martin-Gondre, S. Picaud, M-T. Rayez, J-C. Rayez, Chemical Physics 523 (2019) 18-27.
- [T1] Influence of primary particle polydispersity and overlapping on soot morphological parameters derived from numerical TEM images.
J. Morán, J. Cuevas, et al. (2018). Powder Technology 33 : 67-79.
- [T1] A comprehensive protocol for chemical analysis of flame combustion emissions by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry.
C. Irimiea, A. Faccinetto, Y. Carpentier, I. K. Ortega, N. Nuns, E. Therssen, P. Desgroux, C. Focsa (2018) Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 32, 1015-1025.
- [T1] Behaviour of aeronautical polymer composite to flame : A comparative study of thermoset- and thermoplastic-based laminate.
E. Schuhler, A. Coppalle, et al. (2018). Polymer Degradation and Stability 152 : 105-115.
- [T1] A semi-automatic analysis tool for the determination of primary particle size, overlap coefficient and specific surface area of nanoparticles aggregates.
S. Bourrous, Q. Ribeyre, et al. (2018). Journal of Aerosol Science 126 : 122-132.
- [T2 / T4] Spectrally resolved light extinction enhancement of coated soot particles.
G. Lefevre, J. Yon, et al. (2018). Atmospheric Environment 186 : 89-101.
- [T3 / T4] Investigation of soot oxidation by coupling LII, SAXS and scattering measurements.
J. Yon, F.-X. Ouf, D. Hebert, J. B. Mitchell, N. Teuscher, J.-L. L. Garrec, A. Bescond, W. Baumann, D. Ourdani, T. Bizien, and J. Perez (2018). Comb. Flame 190, 441-453.
- [T4] Light scattering and absorption by fractal aggregates including soot.
C.M. Sorensen, J. Yon, et al. (2018). Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 217 : 459-473.
- [T4] Impact of the primary particle polydispersity on the radiative properties of soot aggregates.
J. Yon, F. Liu, et al. (2018). Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37(1) : 1151-1159.
- [T5 : astro / T6] Adsorption of Organic Molecules on Onion-Like-Carbons : insights on the formation of interstellar hydrocarbons.
H. Qi, S. Picaud, M. Devel, E. Liang, Z. Wang (2018). Astrophys. J. 867, 133.
- [T1 / T2] Sources and Atmospheric Chemistry of oxy- and nitro-PAHs in the ambient air of Grenoble (France).
S. Tomaz, J.L. Jaffrezo, O. Favez, E. Perraudin, E. Villenave, A. Albinet, Atmos. Env. 161, 144-154 (2017).
- [T1 / T2] The MERMOSE project : characterization of particle emissions of a commercial aircraft engine.
D. Delhaye, F-X. Ouf, D. Ferry, I. K. Ortega, O. Penanhoat, S. Peillon, F. Salm, X. Vancassel, C. Focsa, C. Irimiea, N. Harivel, B. Perez, E. Quinton, D. Gaffié,, J. Aerosol Sci. 105, 48-63 (2017).
- [T1 / T2] Speciation of Organic Fraction does Matter for Source Apportionment. Part 1 : a One-Year Campaign in Grenoble (France).
D. Srivastava, S. Tomaz, O. Favez, G.M. Lanzafame, B. Golly, J.L. Besombes, L. Alleman, J.L. Jaffrezo, V. Jacob, E. Perraudin, E. Villenave, A. Albinet, Science of the Total Environment, sous presse (2017).
- [T1 / T2 / T3] Production and characterization of surrogate Diesel and Biodiesel soots : on the impact of oxygenated compounds concentration on sooting tendencies and soot oxidative reactivity.
J. Abboud, J. Schobing, G. Legros, J. Bonnety, V. Tschamber, A. Brillard, G. Leyssens, V. Lauga, E.E. Iojoiu, P. Da Costa, Fuel 193, 241-253 (2017).
- [T2] Chemical Composition of Diesel/Biodiesel Particulate Exhaust by FTIR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry : Impact of Fuel and Driving Cycle.
O. Popovicheva, C. Irimiea, Y. Carpentier, I. K. Ortega, E. Kireeva, N. Shonija, J. Schwarz, M. Vojtisek, C. Focsa, Aerosol Air.
- [T3 / T6] A DFT study of the interaction between large PAHs and atomic chlorine or hydrogen chloride molecule : toward a modeling of the influence of chlorinated species on the trapping of water by soot.
C. Garcia-Fernandez, B. Radola, L. Martin-Gondre, S. Picaud, M.T. Rayez, J.C. Rayez, F.X. Ouf and J. Rubayo-Soneira, Chem. Phys. 483-484, 46-55 (2017).
- [T5 : astro] Polyaromatic disordered carbon grains as carriers of the UV bump : Far-UV to mid-IR spectroscopy of laboratory analogs.
L. Gavilan, K.C. Le, T. Pino, Y. Alata, E. Dartois, Astron. & Astrophys. 607, A73 (2017).
- [T5 : astro] Properties of dust particles in comets from photometric and polarimetric observations of 67P.
E. Hadamcik, A.C. Levasseur-Regourd, D.C. Hines, A.K. Sen, J. Lasue, J.-B. Renard, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Mon Not R Astron Soc(2016) 462 (Suppl. 1) S507-S515 (2017).